Thursday, February 13, 2014

5 Tips to Cut Back On Food Expenses

Food is a large necessary expense. However, many people spend way more on food than they need to. Here are some tips on how to cut down on your food expenses.

Keep Eating Out to a Minimum

It's so convenient to have someone else do the cooking, but when you spend $15 a meal each time you go out, that really adds up. Just think about how many meals you could have bought at the grocery store for that price! Eating out should be a treat, not a daily expense.

Stock Up On Canned Foods

They are super cheap and will last forever, so you can't go wrong here. They are also quick to make so you can easily add some green beans or yams to any meat of choice and voila! Simple, quick dinner!

Buy Only What You Plan To Use

Each time I shop, I tend to buy like it's the apocalypse.  I pack my buggy full of food that I know I won't eat for at least another week or so, but for some reason I feel compelled to get it. Plan your meals and only buy what is essential!

Buy Appropriate Portions

Many times I find myself throwing out food I didn't get to and now it has gone bad. Don't feel pressured to buy the whole bundle of bananas or to get the "big salad" for a few dollars more if you know you won't even get a chance to eat all of it.

Know What Meat To Buy

Let's face it. Meat is the biggest expense. You can go vegan or you can learn to buy smart! I personally love those frozen chicken bags. There are around 10 chicken breasts for under $10! Other cuts of meat that tend to run cheap are: Untrimmed Beef Brisket, Pork Shoulder, Flank Steak and Burgers.